Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pedagogy Final

I am a gay man. I believe in god, I believe in true love, and I believe in doing what you love. The most beautiful thing to me is bringing all three together. You could say I am a hopeless romantic. I am a very happy and independent person, however I love people. I love being in love, and I love traditions. I want nothing more than to find that one person I work well with, that one person that takes my breath away and gives me bird-sized butterflies in my stomach. I want to find that one person that I can and will love unconditionally, a love like my parents. I want to have a family. I want to adopt children, and welcome them to my home with open arms and give them love, warmth, and support. I want to push my children to believe that they can do what ever they want to do! That my children can be anything they want to be! To teach my children how to be respectful, good people in the world, to work hard, and question, and explore! Most importantly, for my children to know that they will never be alone again, and that their two fathers will always be there for them. I want to introduce my children to god, and all the wonderful things he does for us. I want to start traditions with my children to have memories to share and remember for the rest of their lives. I want my children to be happy.

Unfortunately, I cannot get married in Texas, and most adoptions take a really long time, and some adoption agencies, do not favor, nor like gay couples. This is a set back, but only a minor obstacle in my life that I will overcome! I will have my happy ending. Usually when people think of the gay culture it is in a stereotypical, and negative way. Gay is usually defined as flamboyant men who dress well, working as waiter’s to be actors, and sleep with any man they meet at the bar or club. Some gay men may be like that which is perfectly fine, however not all gay men are like this. Some gay men you would never know they were gay. Some you might not be sure and some you might guess right away. Some gay men do not want to settle down, some gay men may want to settle down, but can never find the right guy, and some gay men get married and settle down to live a quiet life. Some gay men love children, and some gay men do not. Some gay men are lawyers, doctors, teachers, business men, oil typhoons, and some are fashion designers, chefs, waiters, or bounce around jobs. There is no right or wrong. My point is that we are human beings too! We are all different and want different things, but at the same time, we aren’t that different. We are just like straight people, only we are attracted to the same sex. We have goals, dreams, tribulations, and adversities. In this painting I broke away from my norm of making art about being an advocate for animals, the environment and zoos, and instead tried something different. I expressed my feelings, and goals, and dreams that I have as a gay man. I wanted the image to be a little abstract because to most, gay and straight, what I want is abstract to them. However I don’t expect everyone to understand it, but it means something to me, and that is what is most important. To love, live, and dream. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jayson- I love your artwork above! In fact I sent it to my friend who has gone through similar struggles as you have. He and his partner began their adoption process through CPS---they were foster parents first, finding the restrictions through the CPS were not as bad as the regular route because of the over abundance of kids unfortunately. First they had two sisters, fell in love with them and adopted them, then the same parents got pregnant again and when the baby was born CPS removed her at birth. Now they have three full sibling sisters who are amazing. He and his partner are going to New York over the holidays to get married! I also just addressed my first Christmas card ever to Mr. and Mr.. I was so excited! Your writings are wonderful! I would love to see more of your artwork! If you ever want to talk to my friend about adoption I know he would love to. We have another couple at school that also adopted through CPS and I know they both would love to talk to you about their experience. Janet and Kim have 4 kids, all full siblings! Another awesome family! Good luck!!!!
